Senin, 19 Januari 2009

Next target

Jakarta, 20 Jan 2009

This January 2009, I just register online to 1 of the university in Jakarta to continue my school for Magister. I will enroll to Management study. Hope everything is going well and I can pass the interview. If I can accomplish this, it means that one of my dream come true. I can still write and give my all idea in the blog too. My own blog, where I have the freedom to write everything I want. No pressure from others.

I have to fight for my study and my job cos I'm doing this together. Hope everythings is going well.



2 komentar:

  1. Semoga Berhasil dan Semoga Sukses, dan Tercapai Cita2nya. Dan semoga kerjanya makin lancar dan sempurna. Good Luck For U

  2. Tetep semangat ya....
    Moga makin sukses deh....
